Robert Darnton's Harvard Bio

Robert Darnton was educated at Harvard University (A.B., 1960) and Oxford
University (B.Phil., 1962; D.Phil., 1964), where he was a Rhodes Scholar.
After a brief stint as a reporter for The New York Times, he became a
Junior Fellow in the Society of Fellows at Harvard. He taught at
Princeton from 1968 until 2007, when he became Carl H. Pforzheimer
University Professor and Director of the University Library at Harvard.
He has been a visiting professor or fellow at many universities and
institutes for advanced study, and his outside activities include service
as a trustee of the New York Public Library and the Oxford University
Press (USA). He has written and edited two dozen books, including The
Business of Enlightenment: A Publishing History of the Encyclop�die
(1979, an early attempt to develop the history of books as a field of
study), The Great Cat Massacre and Other Episodes in French Cultural
History (1984, probably his most popular work, which has been translated
into 16 languages), Berlin Journal, 1989-1990 (1991, an account of the
fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of East Germany), and The
Forbidden Best-Sellers of Prerevolutionary France (1995, a study of the
underground book trade). His latest book, Slander. The Art and Politics
of Libel in Eighteenth-Century France should be published in the winter
of 2007-08.
A Wikipedia entry for Robert can be found at http://en.wikipedia.or